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Bubbles’ Surgery

We all woke up bright and early this morning and headed over to the vet. We arrived not long after 7am and signed the paper work. Of course as I was saying “see you later” to my Bubs, I broke down. She did not want to go with the nurse, and instead stood there like a donkey and tugged in the opposite direction. I pretended to walk with her and she followed my lead, before I turned around quietly and watched her limp off  towards the back of the hospital.

I stayed busy today. Went to run some errands with the kids in my sister’s company, and bought Bubbles a pack of cute unders to wear while she recovers at home. I got a great tip from a Dakota Dawg (thank you!) to have hear wear boxers or panties to keep the incision clean and from my toddler staring. I made sure I got her cute girly ones. I also washed her big blanket, bought her favorite treats so we’re stocked up, and cleared out the area at home where she’ll be recovering.

A bit before 2pm, I received a phone call from her doctor confirming her surgery. We went over the procedure and he let me know they were going to begin soon and he’d give me a call later that evening to let me know how it all went. Again, I had to anticipate another phone call, but I made it through and continued to keep myself busy.

Finally by 6pm my phone rang and it was the vet. He gave me great news that Bubbles had done very well during her surgery. She tolerated the anesthesia just fine, lost very minimal blood, and was now awake and alert hanging out and eyeballing the staff. She was in a significant amount of pain, so they were working on getting it under control so she could rest, but he gave me the opportunity to call at 8pm and see if I could go by to visit. Thankfully my mom was coming, so if I could go, she’d stay with my kids for a couple hours. I was very relieved to say the least!

A little after 8pm.. (I didnt want to call right at 8 o’clock like a weirdo), I spoke to her doctor. It took them a little while to get her comfortable, but she had just fallen asleep so it was best I hang back and give her this time to rest through the night. Knowing Bubs, she’d get way too excited and screw something up if she saw me. I was a little disappointed, but I know I need to allow what’s best for her to happen, and in the end, she was doing well and I know she’d be coming home.

I’ll be calling tomorrow morning to check up on her again, once more in the afternoon, and hopefully by evening she’ll be home. By Tuesday, we should have a pathology report on her leg confirming the type of cancer she had. Her vet says he is still certain it was a soft tissue sarcoma and *not* an osteosarcoma which is a good prognosis. Until tomorrow…

January 18, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   6 Comments.

6 Responses to “Bubbles’ Surgery”

  1.   rica55 Says:

    Yay! Go bubs! Keep us posted!

  2.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    This sounds like a textbook perfect surgery! It’s too bad she had to experience some pain, but they do work hard to get it under control as quickly as possible. If Bubbles could only talk (along with all our other companions) and tell us what they need…Until then, it’s guesswork.

    After Bubbles is home and settled in and feeling ok, you have to show us her girly undies. You just have to. And if your son has any difficulty, post in the forums for help. We have several members here with children that age and they are a wealth of helpful info.

    Also wonderful that the suspicion is STS and not OSA! That’s the best part of the whole affair. You can celebrate that with an adult beverage!


  3.   jerry Says:


    I’m just now catching up on your blog, this is terrific news all around. When you aren’t dealing with osteo, it’s a lot less scary, so yay!

    I hope she gets to come home tonight. You are well-prepared for her arrival, good job.

  4.   fetchon3 Says:

    Hoooray! Way to go Bubs! You’re gonna feel so much better without that pain in your leg bothering you….well, after the pain meds come off. Good luck bringing her home, mom. She’ll relish in all your love!

  5.   princess Says:

    So glad to hear the surgery went well and it is looking like it won’t be osteosarcoma! Great news.

    I’m with Shari, we have to see the photos!

  6.   maximutt Says:

    So glad Bubbles’ surgery went well! It’s a very stressful day, waiting for that phone call! I remember it well! Post often in the forums, we’ve all been where you are now, and have a bunch of helpful info and tips! Let your girl know she’s got all of the Tripawd Nation thinking of her!

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