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Day 16- 2/2/13 Staple Removal

Well, initially we had our appointment set for last night, 2/1/13 but Grandma Coffee was running late from work, and Bubbles was knocked out on her bed so we rescheduled for the following evening, (today).

Bubs went down the stairs by herself  nice and steady, which was awesome. She needed a lift into the passenger seat, but either way, I was impressed. We enjoyed a ride together, just mama and bully baby to the vet listening to some jams as she sported her San Jose Sharks collar and leash- they’re winning the Stanley Cup this season, didn’t you know? 😉

We arrived and got our first.. “recognition” if you will. “Ohhh there’s a tripawd..” “Yep, just getting our suture removal tonight”, I said. We checked in at the desk, and the lady sat down near us in the lobby. She asked what had happened, so I told her Bubs had a soft tissue sarcoma and we opted to amputate. “Poor thing” she replied. Ugh. I remember reading this in the forums.. ways to answer in this type of situation. Don’t you hate when you think of the perfect thing to say *after* the fact? Well, this was my first moment and even though I responded with, “she can still turn around quickly enough for you to scratch her butt”, I wish I would have been a little more clever. In time I suppose.

The staple removal was a BREEZE. Of course Bubs has always been super tolerant with poking and prodding thanks to growing up near a toddler pretty consistently, but I was very proud nonetheless. Two nurses came into the small exam room and we got Bubs on her side. It was cute. She sort of stuck her two front paws flat against the side of the counter as if to brace herself, “okays..breeeeves Bobo..they’res only removin’ them stapples…” She laid there on her side for a good 10 minutes while both nurses started on either end and carefully plucked all 46ish staples out. Not a twitch, not a peep.

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We all triple checked and made sure every single one of those little bastards were out. Still a bit crusty, but otherwise, the incision site looks fabulous. Bubs didn’t care to take any treats- we are still waiting on those cheese balls, but instead turned right around and demanded a good butt scratching from both nurses. I would say, it was a great night for Bubs. We have no outstanding appointments, just the prognosis of growing out this awful hack job. Yay!

Below is a quick photo of what her incision looks like now, staple free. The lighting isnt the best, but Bubs knocked out on the sofa yet again and I wanted to take it immediately after getting home. Its a little red and sore looking, but the nurses were searching through her now growing fur to make sure they got everything and she didnt seem bothered at all. It should only get better from here on out.

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February 3, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   4 Comments.

4 Responses to “Day 16- 2/2/13 Staple Removal”

  1.   rica55 Says:

    Wow bubs, looking GAWGEOUS that scar is!!!!!!! way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2.   fetchon3 Says:

    She’s a-looking mighty-fine, that girl! Yippee! Staples are out. Play like you used you, Bubs! In case you find a rouge staple….don’t freak. We left Jackson’s in there for 3 weeks until his next appt. It didn’t cause problems, so we were OK. Another thing: internal sutures can make their way to the surface and a tail can stick out. That happened too. Don’t pull on it! Don’t freak out. Either get it (or do it yourself) trimmed back or leave it to do its bob-and-weave thing. Great recovery, Bubs! Is she back to eating and drinking like normal?

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